In collaboration with
Triptych is a triple bill Walking Concert featuring some of Birmingham’s most exciting performer/composers. Taking place over 3 hours at 3 venues, 3 groups of musicians will each perform 3 sets using sonic material drawn from workshops, exhibitions and sound walks taking place over the Ten Acres of Sound Festival.
Starting at one venue and moving to the next every hour, each of the three audiences will experience its own unique version of the event, observing the beginning, middle and end of three different stories. Bring facemasks. Expect fireworks.
The concerts will all be fully distanced and Covid-safe, with small audiences for each performance . There will be table service available at Artefact, Anjuna Lounge and the Wildcat.
Triptychs will be performed by:
Georgia Denham is a Birmingham-based composer/singer whose music draws on a love of visual arts, anecdotal experiences and working with individuals to create new music. Influencing much of her own creative work, Georgia is interested in the intrinsic relationship between composition and the voice, more recently using electronics to explore this. She has performed her own vocal music at Leeds Lieder Festival, CODA Festival, Snape Maltings and Orgelpark, Amsterdam.
Anna Palmer is an experimental songwriter, alt-rocker, pyscho-performer & sound artist. Woman of many guises, Anna is best known for her bewitching tones as vocalist & multi-instrumentalist in Birmingham’s beloved weirdo-pop band Dorcha.
Aaron Diaz is a trumpeter whose work explores the meeting point between traditional music and improvisation. He has performed and appeared with, FOOD (Iain Ballamy & Thomas Strōnen), The Neil Yates & Mike McGoldrick Undivided bigband, composer and Sid Peacock’s Surge Orchestra featuring Django Bates and balkan-folk festival favourites The Destroyers.
Sarah Farmer is a Birmingham based artist and musician mostly working with sound, violins and improvisation. A poor woman's scientist and crafts person, taking an interest in questions of science and and technology and exploring them through hands on endeavours of making and sharing through a medium of sound, D.I.Y, found materials, wood and strings and the odd bit of electronics.
Chris Mapp is a bass player, composer and improviser whose music falls somewhere in the cracks between improvised and electronic music. His band Gonimoblast featuring renowned musicians Mark Sanders, Leafcutter John and Dan Nicholls have recently released a double album with special guests Arve Henriksen and Maja S. K. Ratkje.
Annie Mahtani is an electroacoustic composer, sound artist and performer working and living in Birmingham. Her output encompasses electronic music composition from acousmatic music to free improvisation. As a collaborator, Annie Mahtani has worked extensively with dance and theatre, and on site-specific installations. With a strong interest in field recording, her work often explores the inherent sonic nature and identity of environmental sound, amplifying sonic characteristics that are not normally audible to the naked ear. Her music explores abstract and recognizable sound worlds and all the spaces in between.
Andrew Woodhead is an award winning composer and musician working across a wide variety of contexts, taking in jazz, free improvisation, electronica, folk and new music. As well as performing solo on both acoustic piano and live electronics, Andrew has also collaborated in improvised settings with Olie Brice, Hannah Marshall, Paul Dunmall, Kim Macari, Mark Sanders, Ole Mofjell, Natalie Sandtorv, Percy Pursglove, Jacob Garchik and many more.